Here is Christie, with Sophia on her back, and Katie flashing "hello's!"

Funny name for an English school, huh?

Um, yeah, that is really a chalk outline. They do that here!

Look how tall Christie is...or how short Katie and Sophia are! LOL!

This church was pretty cool from a cartoon or something.

Awwww Sophia!

Happy Katie! She is always smiling. I adore her cheer!

Korea's National Flower

OK, so I know it is actually a thumb, but I thought it was funnier as a toe. Just as a weird random statue!

A shot without my ugly old foot!

Flags in Olympic Park...they went around in this huge semi-circle, all the nations.

Here we are playing peek-a-boo behind the flags!

The ladies, posing "Olympic" style!

This was a view from a walkway at Olympic Park. Isn't it gorgeous?

We stumbled upon some Chinese Acrobats in the park. I was simply amazed at what these children were capable of. There is video down further.

Can YOU do that? LOL!

Some video of the acrobats...listen to our rather funny running commentary if you have speakers! Especially at the end of this first clip...we sound like a bunch of adjumas (old women)!