Sunday, April 29, 2007

My Korea Memory!

So, I got a new Tattoo! I am so jazzed! It hurt like the very devil, but it was soooooo worth it! Now I will have a permanent memory of Korea! Ahahaha! Check it out! For those of you that don't know, it is The Auryn...Look it up!

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Don't Be Jealous!

One of my students, Ben (the little boy in the picture with Shawn as Santa in the Christmas at JM post), got me a present. Well, his mom got myself, Sophia, and Adrienne all presents, as we all teach Ben. But personally, I think I got the prettiest one! Check it out! LOL! I love it and have worn it every day since I got it!

Spring Comes to Seoul!

So, it is finally warming up a little here in Seoul and the cherry blossoms are blooming! It is absolutely beautiful! I am loving it here right now!

Night Out with the Newest Teacher

So, the latest teacher to arrive is a girl, Adrienne. We took her out and here are some pics of the night. Notice the excellent one of myself, Shawn, and my friend Katie! How cute is that? Shawn leaves at the end of April, and I am going to miss him so much! No one else can make me smile as easily, no matter what! He is an amazing guy! Also, notice the new hair color...the black looks pretty shnazzy, huh? And yes, I think I am getting a lot more comfortable in front of a camera...look, I am in all of the pictures! LOL!

March Brings New Students!

So, March began the new "term" at JM, and I got several new classes. These are three of my new ones: one of 8 and 9 year olds, one of 12 and 13 year olds, and one of 14 and 15 year olds. The older kids took some adjusting too, as I am very used to the little ones, and found myself babying them for the first couple of weeks, but now we are all getting along and they are great kids!

These are my 8 and 9 year olds...don't you love the Batman impressions? And my 14 and 15 year olds. They are a handful, but I adore them!

Two New Teachers

So, Two new boys joined the Jm Staff in January and February. The are friends from college, and replaced Matt and Christie (well, Matt and Christie could never be REPLACED, but you know what I mean). Brian came in January, and Brandon came in February. They are both very nice, and are appreciated additions to the JM Family! Of course, we immediately took them to Kevin's Pub. It's our favorite bar! (Brian is on the left, Brandon is on the right)

Girl's night.

So, my girl Christie left at the end of February. I miss her so much, but I am looking forward to visiting her in August in Canada. Anyhow, right before Christie left, we had a girl's night...Aren't we cute?

A Blast from My Wayne Past!

So, a buddy of mine from college is here in Korea, and he came up to Seoul to hang out a little while back! We all went out for the night, and yes, we stopped at the infamous Grand Ole Opry in Itaewon! Notice Dave's nod to the night (straw cowboy hats!)?

This is Dave and our buddy Brett, the Grand Ole Opry, and Dave and the "Hat man."

New Years Eve!

OK, as many of you know, I am not a huge fan of New Years...there are always just way too many poeple, and I get really freaked out by the crowds. I was just planing on staying in this year, as all of my friends were out of the country for Christmas Holiday, but the new teacher flew in that night, and wanted to go out. I felt kind of bad for him, so I took him to my favorite pub and then Sincheon, a fun little bar neighborhood by Songpa. Here are some pics.

This is Jiro (remember form the Peppero Day post with the pink bear hat?) Khan (the superstar) and Housky (peace sign in the back). They are very drunk, but I love em! The next shot is my and all my "boys!" Happy New Years! The new teacher Lucas and Kevin, the owner of the pub, and then a nice shot of Sincheon!

My First Korean Wedding!

So, December 30th, my friends Laura and Jeong got married. I was honored to be one of Laura's bridesmaids for the event. They had a "western style" ceremony, followed by a "traditional Korean" ceremony. My boss, Miss Lee came, and it was a lot of fun! Just check out the clothes for the traditional Korean ceremony...Even if it wasn't for the adorable babies, I think I would want to marry a Korean guy just for the absolutely beautiful weddings! LOL!

JM Family Christmas Dinner

So Miss Lee took us all out to Chili's for our office Christmas party...It wa sa nice time!

Christmas Card from Miriam!

One of my students, a 12 year old girl named Miriam gave me this Christmas card...isn't it so sweet?

Christmas 2006 at JM English

It was so cute... We put ona big concert for the parents of the students for Christmas, and we also had a day where "Santa Clause" (Shawn played a VERY skinny Santa) came and gave them presents that the parents had provided tot he school. It was so much fun for the kids, and all the teachers ahd a blast too! So here are some pictures.