So I have received the final word on my posting for Korea. I will be teaching at the JM English School in Songpa-Gu, South Korea. Estimated departure date is Wednesday, May 17th. I am so excited to be going. I have started the arduous process of packing, and am waiting on paperwork from the school, to get my visa in order and all the other little details that one must handle in order to leave the country. It is crazy, and I can't believe how much I am looking forward to going. Everyone keeps asking me if I am scared, but I'm not. At least, not about going to Korea. I am a little scared about leaving, but that would happen if I was just moving to Cali or something. So I am not too worried. The biggest thing I am nervous about with this whole process is the actual teaching part, but I think, once I get there and get into things, that is going to be as much fun as the cultural aspect. Anyways, I just wanted to get this little blog set up, so that I could send the link out to people. I will be using this blog to upload pictures, and give accounts of my expereinces while over there. So stay tuned, and check in once in awhile to see how it goes!
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