Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Leaving! On a Jet Plane!

Wow! I am so nervous! It has finally hit full bore! I have everything I need, passport, VISA, clothes, shoes (I limited myself to 20 pairs, I am so proud of me!), pictures, candles, a couple of boxes of generic mac'n'cheese, and dogbaby (my favorite stuffed animal).I had a going away dinner at my girl TL's tonight, with TL, JC, and KQ. TL's mom stopped by, and we all ate and TL made her awesome rice krispie treats! It was a lot of fun, but then the inevitible goodbyes came, and TL was crying and I hated that part! I am goign to miss her so very much, and I just don't even want to think about spending the next year so far away from her! She is my girl, ya know? SHe is more than a friend, she is a heart companion, and I love her dearly. Saying goodbye is the worst part of all of this.

But I am still excited, and i have figured out the extra baggage charges, and have everything packed, so that is a relief. Now I am already pulling myself out of AZ and so am in a kind of limbo betwixt here/now and there/when. It is a strange flux, but it will all be over soon, I jsut can't wait. I joined a pretty good message board (Dave's ESl Cafe- and if anyone is interested in learning more about the country I am moving to, and the people I will be around, this is a good place to go! ANyhow, I can't wait to make my first post in Korea, and will tell ya'll about the flight, the car ride from the airport, and my new home. First impressionsare always so funny, aren't they? Till then...

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