Wednesday, December 20, 2006

I got a sweater!

So, Saturday night, Christie, Jillian, Kenton and I all went out to dinner, and then we went to our favorite neighborhood bar, Mr. Yu's! It is owned by our friend Kevin, and we love going there! It started snowing a little after we got there, and I was very excited and kept running to the window to look at it coming down. This one Korean guy at a table by us must have thought I was hilarious or something, cause he went downstairs and made me a snowball! Seriously! He brought it up and gave it to me! It was so cute! Anyhow, there was also this big group of Korean guys drinking there and they pretty much kept to themselves, so we ignored them. Then, this very drunk older gentleman at another table picked a fight with this cutie-pie little Korean guy wearing glasses and a pink sweater. It was so silly. Anyways, after the old man left, the little guy kept apologizing to us for causing a disturbance, and bought us a pitcher of beer. So we started talking to the group, and it was pretty hilarious. So, I then proceeded to tell the guy how much I liked his sweater, and that pink was my favorite color. He promptly stripped out of it, and offered it to me...I turned it down for about 2 seconds, and then I graciously allowed him to put it on me! LOL! It was awesome! Here is a fun slideshow of the bar scene!

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