Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Kung-fu Update

So James was back in class today, and full of pep and vinegar. I briefly felt relieved, until he ran up to me, stuck out his tongue and showed me his 3 little stitches. I kind of lost it. I grabbed him and gave him a big hug and kept mumbling about what a brave little guy he was. He couldn't really understand me, but he didn't seem to mind the hugs. Calvin and Sally saw my little display of affection and both wanted their share too, so, within the hour of my class, I received 4 kisses, 9 hugs, and 6 demands for kisses on various boo-boos.

I had a very hard time not being too strict today with them though. Everytime they would start to get a little excited, I would immediately make them sit in their chairs and calm down. I don't want them to not have any fun though, so after class, I talked with Christie briefly, and she made me feel a lot better. She pointed out that ouchies will happen, and that 6 year olds will get excited, and I can't worry too much about it. So, thanks Christie, I appreciate the pep-talk! And maybe now I can stop being a total nazi, and go back to being fun!

But here are some pictures of James, recovered in spirit at least, if not totally in body yet!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow, isn't he a trouper