Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Threat from the North?

So, I don't kow how many of you have been keeping up with current events, but the situation with North Korea seems to be getting worse. With threats of a developing nuclear arms program, long-range missile tests, and refusals to adhere to previously agreed upon stipulations, Kim Il-Jong is pushing against a very threadbare line of peace. I have been reading up on the situation most voraciously, and will admit that I am a little worried. I also see that much of the rest of the world is failing to respect or take seriously the threat that this small country, and last "bastion of communism," could present. The threat of these missile tests, even if they are just that, a threat made to get the US into talks and to lessen recent restrictions placed upon NK, are still very powerful, and I believe, serious. I encourage everyone to follow this situation, as I think it could truly become one of those world events that affect history, and make future generations of history books.

With NK opening it's borders for the first time in years to certain travel expeditions, now is the best time to learn and attempt to understand this country that has been so shrouded in mystery and hysteria for the last several decades. I am facinated by the cultural and political intricacies it presents, and am enthralled with the possibility of being so close to such a potenial for world change as is presented by this rising power in the international community. Fear and that not what always brings about a downfall? But I cannot not learn more about this facinating place. I encourage all of you to take the time and learn as much as you can as well. And not just from US news sources. Check out the BBC news website for a less tainted version of current happenings, and also, on the links section of this page, I have included a link to the Korea Herald, Seoul's major English news site. Both of these places provide excellent sources of information of the escalating situation here in the east, and in the world for that matter.

Keep an open mind, and learn. That is always the best way to understand.


Unknown said...

I have been following this issue a bit, but I thought it was a long range ballistic missile, not a nuclear warhead. Shows what I know; you're the one that's so close to it.

e said...

I think you are right actually. They are going to test a long range ballistic missile, but they are also advancing with their nuclear program, and are close to nuclear capabilities. It was late last night when I wrote I probably got confused. You know me.