Tuesday, June 06, 2006

I'm Here!

So, I was goign to wait until I had pictures to post on here, but it is going to be at least another week as genius here left her camera's battery charger at home. Thanks to a wonderful mother, I should have it and the missed mac and cheese by the beginning of next week. But until then, I thought I would give everyone a much awaited (hahah! I know) reaccounting of my first week here in Seoul, Korea!

So, I arrived on Singapore Air at about 8pm Friday night; the flight was not too bad...a little turbulence, but otherwise good. The flight attendants were awesome, they were all multilingual, and they were all crazy-dedicated. TL will totally appreciate this...I am positive she is glad she doesn't work for this airline...They all wore these long Thai-style dresses, and I swear to God, every time I looked, each girl had perfect make-up. I mean, perfectly drawn on, cupid-bow lips, in a color that would have made any firetruck loving whore proud! They were beautiful, smiling, gracious living dolls.

Anyways, I got off the airplane, went through customs, collected my baggage, and went out to meet the manager from JM that was supposed to be there to meet me. Well, I got out to the greeting area, and looked along the line of signs held up, trying to find one with my name on it, but no luck. So I wheeled my cart overflowing with 4 hot pink bags to one side of the greeting area and looked around, and then wheeled it back to the other side and looked around. I did this for probably an hour and a half, and was really starting to freak. I had brilliantly forgotten the number to the school at home in Phoenix, and didn't even have a calling card. So yes, panic began to take hold. I was really starting to sweat, when I realized I was sweating right next to the information desk. Can we say "Lightbulb?" So I went up there, kind of shyly, and yelled (just incase they couldn't speak English, I wanted them to at least be able to hear me!) "Can you help me?" The girl smiled and said in almost understandable English "Blah bleee blah balh blub!" Ok, not really...she was very nice, and paged my name over the loudspeaker, saying that I was waiting for my party at the info desk. Well, that is what I am assuming she said. She could have said something abouit some weird yelling American at the info desk and if anyone knew the name, please come get me as I was hurting her ears...it was in Korean, so...either possiblity is open! So, I sat patiently (pacing back and forth in front of my luggage) until this adorable, tiny little Korean girl came up to me, looking as relieved to see me, as I dare say I looked to see her. She said my name and held up a full sized 8" by 11" picture of me! Yikes! But I smiled gratefully and that was my first meeting with Sophia! She then looked at my mountain of luggage...did I mention it was hot pink? She kind of laughed and we got on our way. I soon found out the reason for the laugh, when I discovered we would be taking a bus across the city. Aaaaaiiiiieee! SO anyway, she bought my ticket for me, and we gave my bags to the driver and got on our way.

I was fairly exhausted by this point, and after making small talk, I asked if she minded if I zoned out. She understood, and started messing with her supercool phone, while I put on my music and stared out the window. My first impressin of Seoul? L.A. at night! Seriously...Minus the graffiti (sp?) of course. Well, we finally got to the big hotel, where we exited the bus, and dragged my luggage down to the corner, and a bright yellow van pulled up. Yeah, I know what it sounds like! No, the driver of the van was none other than...Mr. Moon! Ahhhhh! I would come to find out in the next week that Mr. Moon is the resident "do-everything!" Anything you need or want, he does or takes care of! Well, Sophia had a date to watch the soccer game (Soccer is HUGE here!) with her boyfriend, who she kindly showed me pictures of on her phone on the bus ride, so we dropped her off at some bar, and then Mr. Moon drove me to my new home. Real quick aside here...Mr. Moon doesn't speak much English, so it was a very quiet ride! LOL

After navigating these tiny little side streets, where I was sure we were going to collide with another car, or person, or both, we pulled up outside a building, and Mr. Moon parked the van. He then got out and I assumed I was home. Realize that he still hadn't said anything! Well, we struggledand got all of my bags out of the van, and then started the arduous process of carrying them up three flights of stairs...I live on the third floor...but were met almost immediately by this absolutely gorgeous hippie traveler type! Oh my! He was speaking English too! I thought i was halucinating! But he took two of my bags and Mr. moon took the other, and I carried my carry-on, and we made it up the rest of the stairs, where there were two other girls waiting! I know I was coming here to expereince another culture, but can I say how comforting it is to see other westerners when you are as tired and, I'll admit, overwhelmed as I was? I have never before been able to identify myself with a group of people based on physical appearance alone, so this was an incredibly strange sentiment, but I was tired, so I decided to analyze it later.

Anyways, the two girls-Christie and Jillian-were so nice and welcoming, and the hippie-his name was Matt (I know!)-was so cool!But I was just so tired, Matt said his hellos and goodbyes all in one breath, and then faded from my perspective...I think he mumbled something about catching up later. At this point, Mr. Moon also left, so I was alone with the two girls. They very kindly ran through a bunch of stuff, but they realized I was too tired to take it all in so they gave me their phone numbers and made plans with me for the next day, and then they were off. I'm sorry this part isn't more descriptive...but I was almost incoherant at this point.

So, now I was alone in my new home, and had a moment to take it all in. It is this adorable, good sized studio, with a nice big bed (full-sized; I was worried as I had read about some teachers only getting a yo-a stuffed mat), a long table with two chairs, a cute little kitchenette area, a night stand, two book cases, one closed, the other opened, a big closet with a plastic chest of drawers, and a little back area where the washing machine was. There was also a t.v., a air conditioning unit, a phone, and a cute little bathroom. They had also very generously stocked the frig. All in all, it was perfect.

I was so tired at this point that I couldn't sleep, so I unpacked all of my stuff, and ten, cause I was kind of hungry, ate teh salad they had left in the frig for me! It was so good after my long flight, it had this crazy lemon dressing that was absolutely delish! Anyways, after eating, I figured out how to use the shower, took on, and then passed out cold. So ends my first day in Korea!

Ok, I think that is all for tonight. I will post more about the rest of that first week later, in shorter form, I promise. But this was my first night, and I wanted to share all of the details with all of you! Anyways, It is midnight here, and I am ready for bed, so I will say good night! I love everyone! I promise I will write more tomorrow night, and try to get you all caught up! Later Peeps!


(Yeah, I go by Rho here...they think Robin is a man's name! They all ask "Offa Rawxery?"-Say it out loud...you will get it!)


Unknown said...

How exciting. While I was reading your post I felt surprisingly envious. I'd love to spend time in Asia again. There is something so appealing about places so different from what we're used to.

soiled_dove said...

Yay! I am happy everyone is being so nice to you. I know you were a bit scared about that! Wow, what an experience, I admire you! Who knows, maybe Japan is next, then China. If you go to Japan I'm going to come with you. Oh, and check your e-mail, I finally have an address.