Saturday, July 29, 2006

End of vacation!

So, it is Saturday, and my week of summer vacation is officially over. Tomorrow is Sunday, and that starts the "getting ready to go back" process, and therefore does not count as vacation time. So today is my last day...and I didn't do a damned thing for the whole week! It was mildly heavenly. I even forgot as my 2 month mark slipped by (July 26th) and spent the week sleeping in and going for walks in the rain--yes it is still raining here--jogging (a mile and a half, three times a week so far), and attempting to utilyze my Windsor Pilates series (jeesh is that HARD)! I also made the trek to Insadong with Jillian (about a 30 minute subway ride) and bought the cutest little is pink with a soft wood frame and I just adore it! I feel like Karl Lagerfield (Jacob will get that reference)I walked about a half mile to the kimbap place several times, and discovered a new treat there...hasta su mandu...basically mandu in a sweet and spicy sauce with lots of veggies. It is delicious, but I am saving it as a treat. Seriously though, this kimbap place that I go to is regarded as fast food...I would love to see one of our fast food places back home serve up a filling meal, with as few calories, for the approximately $2.50 I pay at this place for an order of kimbap and mandu!

Ok, I just erased about a half a paragraph on what I cooked and ate this week. I determined that it was just incredibly boring, and no one would be interested in reading about it! LOL! Isn't self-editing the bomb? Anyhow, I only have one more thing to tell about from my vacation week...I went NOREBANGING! For those of you not in the know, a Norebang (pronounce nor-ee-bahng) is a place where you go to do the karyoke...bu thte best thing about these places, is that it is your own private room. I mean, I went with Jillian and another girl Danielle, and we had our own room, but there were rooms that would hold 20+ people. Inside, there is a disco ball type light, a nice 4 screen tv display, and 2 microphones. There is also a table, two booth style couches, and a tamborine (which I seem to have a bruise from today). The rooms are sound proof, and the glass in the door is frosted so that you can only see in through a little slit, I suppose so that the proprietor can make sure that no hanky panky is going on! ANyways, we snuck in a couple of bottles of soju and some jiuce, and proceeded to get fershnickered! Now, you all know that I am totally against singing in public, and so I didn't realize quite how smashed I was until I realized that I was singing Scorpion's "Rock You Like a Hurricane" in my best rock star voice, at the top of my lungs. Needless to say, I had a blast, and have no voice today!

Well, anyways, that is the end of the excitement for my vacation...tune in again to see what happens next, in the life of Sojourner_rho!

As my fabulous "little-bro" points out in his comment, I totally failed to mention the most awesome news! Baby Ethan is now a full-on member of the free-breathers! Welcome Baby are so beautiful, and your parents love you with all of their hearts! I can not wait for the day I get to meet you! Listen to your big brother Logan...he already knows the ropes! All my love goes out to the family in MO!
Give the new baby a kiss for me, Brettimus!


e said...

OK, I altered the name from Poison to Scorpions and I have put in a "post-note!" Jeesh, so demanding! LOL! And BTW, in my defense...the Norebang had the artist of the song listed as Poison...which isn't really saying much, since every song with the word "feel" had it spelled "fill!" But there, I have made the changes you "requested!" LOL! Secret? I also sang "Don't Cry for Me Argentina!" I think I killed the Gods of Music!

Anonymous said...

I would be regular customer at this karaoke joint. It'd be like the people who are addicted to casinos.