Sunday, July 30, 2006

What's up with...

Seriously, what is up with Koreans and Steven Segal? And on a tiny bit lesser level, Jean Claude Van Damne (sp?)? Every time I turn on the fricking television, there is at least one movie staring one of these creepy guys. Seriously...I am getting scared. Korean people, these guys are gross! Stop watching their movies! LOL!


Anonymous said...

Steven Segal is the man. he is untouchable, but inferior compared to Chuck Norris's cosmic powers.

e said...

And on a related note...I have watched 5 Steven Segal movies since I posted this blurb (including both Under Seiges, one with Stephan Dorf as the bad guy, and two other jungle war-types)...and am starting to get a feel for the Steve-ster! But still remain adamant about Van Damne being completely icky!