Thursday, July 13, 2006

My Birthday Weekend--Dirty Fun in the Sun

Ok, for those of you who is your reminder! Saturday is my birthday! Yaaaaaaay! E-cards are very acceptable gifts...especially if they are incredibly cheesy! Anyways, Friday night, we are FINALLY going to see Pirates of the Carribean 2, and I am very excited. Then, on Saturday, I have to go to GS Mart (think giant super-dooper wal-mart) with Christie and Jillian to find clothes for the Mud Festival, and if we don't find it there, then we are going to head over to Itaewon (there are more western clothes to be found there) and then have dinner at one of the foreign places there....there is this awesome Indian food place that has incredible chai tea! We will make Saturday night a pretty early one, as we have to be up and on the subway by 8 am the next morning, to meet the bus going to the festival...then it is two full days of dirty fun in the sun! I can't wait! So, I will have pictures and updates for everyone next week. I am so excited for this weekend, that I am not even focusing on the fact that I am now officially OLD! Ok, well, at least not completely! I do feel that maybe I should bring some arthritis medicine for after the mud games...Anyways, cheery-o and all that butter!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Robin!

Happy Birthday Sunshine! I hope you and your new friends have a blast on your big day and I'll be thinking about you back here in Arizona (where it's 113 degrees).

Take care and I miss you!