Wednesday, September 13, 2006

World's Worst Teacher!

Oh! My! God! I did it again! Another kid in one of my classes got hurt today, and it was pretty bad. My darling little Joey (the one who gives amazing hugs) tripped during a game today and slammed his head into the edge of a plastic bookcase in the classroom. There was blood EVERYWHERE! I was actually pretty proud of myself, because I stayed really calm and tried to keep him calm. And I didn't pass out, and I mean, there was blood everywhere. He opened maybe an inch and a half long gash right up under his hairline on the left side of his forehead. And he kept rubbing at it cause it hurt and stung and itched, I am sure. I had to make him stop, but he had blood all over his face and was horror film-like. I picked him up, and told the other students to stay put, then carried him up to the teacher's office. Several of the other teachers immediately helped me, and we got a shirt on his head to try and stop the bleeding, I had Laura get my Wet Wipes (courtesy of Taryn) out from my cabinet and wipe his hands clean, cause I am fairly sure the blood was terrifying him, and we got him calmed down...So I went and finished the last 20 minutes of my class, calmed the other kids down (the two little girls were pretty shaken up), then went upstairs by the pool and bawled...Blair Witch Project-style.

Update: I just got off the phone with Miss Lee, and Joey's mother! Both were assuring me that Joey is alright and that they do not blame me at all. I started crying, and they started laughing. Which I guess is ok, because I would rather they laugh at me than be mad at me or think I am a terrible person! So anyhow, Joey is my second kid in three months to get stitches. I hope this ends my streak in that particular field!

Update 2 (9/21/06): Saw Miss Lee on my way out last night. She told me that Joey is fine, but that he got 40 stitches, three layers deep. Lord! She and I are going to visit him at his house next week, so I need to find a gift for his mama. Something that says, "thank you for inviting me into your home, sorry I almost killed your child!" But Joey is ok, so that is all that matters. Poor baby!

Update 3 (9/22/06): So, I actually ended up going to Joey's house yesterday afternoon. We went, and I talked to Joey, met his mom, and helped him do his homework that he had missed, since he was gone yesterday (Thursday). Miss Lee had also bought two puzzles and gave me one to give to him, so that was nice. Anyways, his mom was incredibly nice, and she served us tea and doque (this weird Korean dessert that I actually hate, but Joey kept stealing my fork and stabbing me a new one, so I had to eat it. It was actually kind of cute...) and fruit. It was very nice. Joey was crazy and running around, showing off all his robots and such to me, doing flips on the couch, and stopping my heart several times! We stayed about an hour, and then I came back and finished my intensives, and went home. Today (Friday) Joey was back in full vigour, and was full of kisses and love. God, I adore that little boy! So, all's well that ends well.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

it happens to kids all the time, it's what gives us all character. joey's mother and miss lee may have laughed while knowing you care for the children, but chuckling because it's not the end of the world. i'm sure he'll have many more nicks and scratches in the years to come. it's caring people who help them make it through.