This is my oldest class here at JM...oldest as in, it was the first class I got when I arrived. They are Korean age 7, which means they are about 6 American (in case I haven't mentioned it before, Koreans count the year at the New year, so if the kid was born in December, 2004, they would turn "1" in January, 2005). This is the class that James (my little king fu man) was in till two weeks ago. He and Sally got moved up, and I think this clas sis becoming a remedial level class. All three boys in the class are adorable and sweet (most of the time) but one of them has serious behavioural problems, one is a beginner (just started English classes a month ago), and one is, in my un-proffessional opinion, a little behind his peers. But they are all fun and loving and they rally seem to like class, so it is a lot of fun. A bit more stressful than my other classes, because they are everywhere constantly, always into mischief, but they are definately exciting! And they are little drama hounds...look how they ham it up for the camera...the one was giving me his best "stressed-out" look. He would smile as soon as the flash went off!

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