Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Da hood and Seoul!

So this is my neighborhood! Isn't it adorable? I was told that it is a pretty upper middle class hood, and that it is mostly working families and single professionals. The building with the four curved looking "balconies" is mine. I am in the upper left one. That is my window! I have also included a picture of my street, and some of the other buildings in my hood. Anyways, all of the green and the lake and amusement park is this big rec area right down the street from me. I jog (jog/walk) there just about every morning. Isn't it beautiful? That amusement park is called Lotte World (pronounced Lo-Tay), and is a total rip-off of Disneyland in CA. But it is still really cool! I am also throwing in some views of the skyline around my hood. This neighborhood is called Seokchon-Dong, and the lake is Seokchon lake. All located off of the Jamsil (pronounced Cham-shil) subway station, on the #2 green line! I take the subway everywhere (it is about a mile from my house, I can't believe how much I walk here!), but i don't have any pictures, cause I don't want to look like a total tourist! LOL! Anyways, this is the hood, and i love it...there are several little markets, and lots of Calbi houses (that is Korean bar-be-que). There are also several laundry places, hair places, and service stores...All in all, it is a great little neighborhood! And I feel completely safe here...I can walk to the market at night with nary a care! I love this place!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Is Samsung using prostitutes to sell their products? "Today's Special: Buy a Samsung laptop and get a lap dance absolutely free!"