Sunday, June 25, 2006

Sunday Seoul

I just got home from church, and I think that I can safely say that it was one of the most moving services I have ever been too. It was one of those things where you spend almost two hours with goosebumps, and you just feel so uplifted, and confident as you leave. We got a new pastor at our church--he just moved back to Korea from Chicago--and he was wonderful! He made his sermon so accessible and human. I really like him, and am very glad with my church's choice of a new spiritual leader. Also, the whole worship band was here today, and they totally rock. The drummer is especially good. ANd there is this amazingly great girl who sings...she has some serious pipes for such a tiny little thing! All in all, it was an awesome morning!

After church, Cristie and I stopped at a little stand an bought some kimbap and ate lunch on a park bench, just watching the world go by. Then we parted ways at the subway, cause she was going to meet another friend, and I wanted to run some errands back home. Walking back to my neighborhood from the subway, I received several smiles and head nods, and basically enjoyed a brisk breeze wlaking through the lake park, from the pictures in the earlier post. I was totally looking forward to an ice-pop when I got home though.

P.S. I just finished the most amazing ice-pop. Seriously, Korea has the best ice-pops of anywhere I have ever been. And it is a good thing too, cause whoooo-wee, today was humid! I think I am going to take another shower, and then watch some korean music videos on MtvKorea and finish up my laundry. Sounds like a perfect Sunday, Seoul-style! Luvs.

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