Wednesday, June 14, 2006

My Apartment

These are pictures of my apartment...Notice the crazy bathroom/shower set up. I have since come to the conclusion that it is absolutely brilliant, and I do not know why Americans waste time with the seperate shower stall! My bathroom has never been so clean in all of my adult life! Also notice the cool sliding doors on both the closet and the laundry balcony. I love them...they are so Asian! Yeah, that blue thing is my washing machine...the way the apartments are set up, I have this little indoor balcony area, where the washing machine sits, and my drying rack, and the big windows to the outside are there...and then there are those sliding doors to seperate the balcony area from the rest of my apartment! It is a really neat idea...As you can see, there is no dryer, and I have to hang dry all of my I miss soft, just out of the dryer towels! I guess we all miss the little stuff, huh? The rest, you can see--my bed, my tv, my gas rangetop, and the other odds and ends in my studio. The space is actually plenty big, and I am so comfortable and at home there. I also threw in some pictures of the food that they had stocked in my fridge when I first arrived. All that writing freaked me out at first, but now I am so used to it, I just wish I could read it-LOL! Lastly, notice the wood-like floors, it is actually wood-like vinyl. In the winter here, they heat the apartments through the floors. There are hot water pipes running underneath, and they make the apartment all cozy. It is why Asians sit on the floor so much. There is also a button you have to press to turn on the hot water. Don't make the mistake of forgetting that and stepping under your shower! It is right underneath the phone-looking apparatus, that is actually my security system-visual and audio identifiers to buzz someone into the building or the front door! Ok, done with my apartment...the next post is of my neighborhood!


Unknown said...

That shower is unfortunate. I'm really sorry! Most Japanese places have separate rooms for toilet and shower. Other than that it reminds me a lot of Japan. Especially the bottles of juice. How totally fun! I'm so jealous!

e said...

No! I really Like it! It seriously is ingenious! I am totally not being sarcastic!

Unknown said...

I'm so jealous!