Saturday, June 17, 2006

First Real Bout of Homesickness

Ok, so I just got off the phone wth my mom, and the poor dear had to listen to me completely break down. I had my first official bout of homesickness tonight. Bawling about missing my mom, my dog, my cat, my friends, driving in Phoenix, being able to read restraunt signs! This was the very first tiem I actually wanted to come home. I know it will pass, but right now, I am very sad, and very lonely! I miss everyone so much! Goodnight!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Things will get better honey! A new place is always hard to adjust to, especially one as different as Korea. I totally know what you're feeling. Just try and keep busy.

I was so busy as a missionary. I never actually did anything remarkable, but I was always busy. The business really kept me from feeling homesick.