A description, in words and pictures, of one girl's experiences in Seoul, South Korea.
Monday, June 26, 2006
Some New Pictures
So, these pictures aren't incredibly exciting, but they show a little bit of the upper-crust architecture around here. I went to church Sunday, and my church is located in the middle of this really wealthy neighborhood. There are these beautiful brick houses and apartment complexes, with huge windows. I love walking through the neigborhood to get to church! I also caught a couple of shots of some of the people I have met at church, and there is a good one of Christie and her friend Matt (the only nice guy I have met form the military so far). There are also a couple from the subway and one that I just thought turned out totally cool, and is now my desktop picture! I promise to get some more interesting shots soon...
1 comment:
That looks just like Japan! So crazy! You're so lucky! I love the public gardens over there.
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