Wednesday, June 14, 2006


So I finally posted my pictures! I took me long enough! Anyhow, I split them into 4 different posts, so check them all out! If you click on each individual picture, you can see it larger and with more detail. The first, Alien Registration, is more for anyone living in Seoul and looking for info. So people not doing that may want to skip that first post! I miss everyone, and hope you are all well! I hope you enjoy the scenic visit to my new home that these pictures give!

It is raining right now, as I write this. Being from the desert, I have never really experienced rain like this. I actually own an umbrella! A first, I must say. Mine is so cute, it looks like a confetti cupcake, with a ruffled edge! I love it. Anyways, I am chilling to some Andre Bocelli, courtesy of Pollyanna, and am just loving life right now! Peace out!

P.S. It is now 4 hours later, and I have just gone back through and read all of my posts, and looked at my pictures. I was very surpirsed to realize that nothing looks foreign to me anymore. It is al so familiar already, and I think of those places as home, and normal. I am amazed by my adaptability. It is good to be home.


Unknown said...

Your Aunt seems really nice!

e said...

She is! Whatever she says about only being my aunt by marriage, she is closer to me than any blood ties could ever make two people. I love her to death, and she has always been there when I needed her! She is not only my aunt, she is my friend!