Wednesday, June 14, 2006

My co-workers!

So, I work with 4 Americans, 1 Canadian, and 2 Koreans. In total, it is 6 girls, and 2 guys. All of the Koreans have English names, that they use in English settings, in addition ot their own Korean names. I know that Sophia's real name is Sora, but I am not sure of Sally's. Sally is the girl in the white t-shirt with red lettering that says "I love ACC." the other girl is Sora! I adore Sora and have hung out with her several times now! She reminds me a lot of my friend EK in TX. The tall blond girl in the pink shirt is Christie, the Canadian. She just turned 27 and is so incredibly nice...she is the one I have been going to church with! Jillian is the burnette, and is 23 from TX. She is so much fun, but is more of a partier than me and wears me out! She has so much vibrant energy! The pale blonde in the grey t-shirt is Laura, she is 24 and from all over. She went to school in Hawaii (Bringham Young-I think) and met her Korean boyfriend there. She is totally cool and we get along really well! The blonde guy is Shawn, 24 from New England (Boston). He is a total character, and cracks me up on a regular basis. He is a totally sarcastic shit and reminds me a lot of some of the guys from back home! The last guy is Matt, 25 from Oklahoma, and most recently from Thailand. He is pretty different, but incredibly cool. He loves to travel the world, and is just working here for a year in order to travel the world some more. He is so cute, and look at the adorable pose he did for me with my umbrella! Everyone is so amazing, and I am so grateful to have met everyone!


Unknown said...

Wow, I guess Margaret Cho was wrong. There are gays in Korea.

e said...

He so isn't though! He is dating some little Georgia Peach Sorority chick. He is just a total hippie traveler guy! LOL! Totally laid back and chill.

Unknown said...

Oh, he's dating a woman? Cuz gay men NEVER pretend to date women.